The Teacher Coach with T.K. Griffith and Scott Matthew Callaghan

Justin Todd: Wadsworth Football Coach builds house of culture and excellence in Grizzly Country

Timothy Griffith

Justin Todd's high school football coach looked to his right and saw then-college-sophomore Justin in the stands back at his alma mater, East Knox High, to watch the football game that night. The hall of fame coach called Justin Todd down to his side, asked him to stand with him on the sidelines that night while he coached, and sparked a lifelong passion for Justin Todd, known today as one of the best high school football coaches in the state.  Turning programs into gold at Loudonville, Mt. Vernon and Wadsworth, Todd's magical touch is actually not magic at all--it's simply a tireless work ethic, energizer bunny energy, inspiring charisma and authentic knack at building culture that is unrivaled by others. A wide array of educational positions--from physical education teacher to career center program director, athletic director, assistant principal, and others---has strengthened his skill set.  But, his love of impacting lives and his innovative coaching mind have led to brilliance thus far for this shooting star of the teacher/coach world.

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