In this week's episode of "Life, Love, & Light," we continue to explore how personal identity might be sustained after death and bodily decomposition. We consider the twenty-one qualities of Wisdom (Greek, Sophia) and the transformative process by which our minds are purified and transformed by the graced energy of the Holy Spirit. In both the Eastern Orthodox and Western Christian traditions, this process of radical transformation is called divinization (Greek, theosis)—that is, “becoming divine.” By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are given new eyes of wisdom and new hearts of compassionate love. And this power is what effects our ultimate transformation.
We question: How would a mind that is transformed by the death process and infused by Divine Wisdom become capable of experiencing the infinite and subtle potentialities of matter in a resurrected body? And how might such a body accurately reflect the glorification of that transformed mind?
Finally, we discuss various methods of actually perceiving Divine Wisdom at the core of our being -- through contemplative prayer. And we realize that it is Divine Wisdom within us -- the "Christic Mind" -- that alone will carry our personal identity through death into the vision of God.
NOTE: This series of podcasts is based on themes from my award-winning book, "Living Resurrected Lives: What it Means and Why it Matters," co-authored by my daughter, Eva Natanya, PhD (Cascade Books, 2020).
PLEASE SHARE these podcasts with your family and friends who may be searching for answers about bodily resurrection. May your Holy Week be rich in blessings and Christ's resurrection on Easter fill you with joy and renewed hope!
In this week's episode of "Life, Love, & Light," we continue to explore how personal identity might be sustained after death and bodily decomposition. We consider the twenty-one qualities of Wisdom (Greek, Sophia) and the transformative process by which our minds are purified and transformed by the graced energy of the Holy Spirit. In both the Eastern Orthodox and Western Christian traditions, this process of radical transformation is called divinization (Greek, theosis)—that is, “becoming divine.” By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are given new eyes of wisdom and new hearts of compassionate love. And this power is what effects our ultimate transformation.
We question: How would a mind that is transformed by the death process and infused by Divine Wisdom become capable of experiencing the infinite and subtle potentialities of matter in a resurrected body? And how might such a body accurately reflect the glorification of that transformed mind?
Finally, we discuss various methods of actually perceiving Divine Wisdom at the core of our being -- through contemplative prayer. And we realize that it is Divine Wisdom within us -- the "Christic Mind" -- that alone will carry our personal identity through death into the vision of God.
NOTE: This series of podcasts is based on themes from my award-winning book, "Living Resurrected Lives: What it Means and Why it Matters," co-authored by my daughter, Eva Natanya, PhD (Cascade Books, 2020).
PLEASE SHARE these podcasts with your family and friends who may be searching for answers about bodily resurrection. May your Holy Week be rich in blessings and Christ's resurrection on Easter fill you with joy and renewed hope!