Joey Yap's Great Feng Shui Great Life Channel

EP56 - Breaking the Chains of Resentment [Live Better Series]

Joey Yap Season 1 Episode 56

They say resentment is like drinking poison and hoping for the other person to die. It’s true in a sense that holding on to hatred and anger only hurts one person… yourself.

In Chinese Metaphysics, everything is energy. Energy naturally attracts one another. If you are resentful, that is what you will attract and manifest into your life. It won’t disappear if it’s constantly on your mind. So, how do you let go of resentment? How can we achieve true forgiveness and release our emotional baggage?

There are several ways on how you can overcome resentment using Chinese Metaphysics and I’ll be sharing with you some of them in this video. I believe that this is an important step in transforming your life for the better.

If you can’t let go of the past, you can’t head towards a brighter future. You have much more to gain than to suffer silently. If you have any resentment with you right now, don’t you think it’s about time you let go and move on? If you’re waiting for a sign to do so, this is it.

Forgive others and more importantly, forgive yourself. Live better.

If you have overcome resentment in your own life, share it in the comment section below so you can help inspire others who are currently going through what you went through.


 #resentment #anger #forgiveness

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