Reinvention Road Trip

WELCOME to the Reinvention Road Trip!

Jes Averhart


Let’s get a little crazy shall we… LET’S STOP TALKING ABOUT THE NEW NORMAL FOR A SECOND….!

I have a proposal…is it possible that this disruptive time we’re all going through in our world is screaming out for a reinvention!!!  I say yes and am here for it….I vote for a reinvention – we need a reinvention in our communities, our leadership, work environments and especially for our selves!  Why not use this moment in time as a reason to evaluate, audit and self-reflect.  I mean, it’s not every day that the world tilts  on it’s axis and says, “hey! there really are no boundaries on how you design your life.” And its not everyday that the world changes so drastically that a reinvention might not be a luxury but a necessity!   So, instead of a new normal…how about a New YOU!  

So…who am I?  Well, you probably heard in the intro that I'm a Midwestern girl!  I'm also a CEO, fourth generation entrepreneur, podcaster (thank you for listening), storyteller and mom of a 6’ 5” teenage boy and 1’ 11’ bulldog named Roscoe and over the last 20 plus years, I've worked with a portfolio of Fortune 500 companies like Google, GE, Pepsi Co North America, Procter and Gamble, The Bengals, Browns and Cavaliers… as well as high-impact public sector organizations.  Each step along the way, I’ve learned, practiced and taught the art of Transformational Leadership, Self-Discovery and now Reinvention.  My hope is that this podcast will inspire and drive you into action to take the journey!  I want you to set out and discover the BEST Version of you.   

First Things First…#1 Do you know what your superpowers are?   
These are your Core competencies – YOUR Secret Sauce… 

#2 Know your Superstars.  Everybody’s got their superstars or Reinvention Crew – the ones that cheer you on, offer you sound advice and believe in YOU…better yet, they SEE YOU…they know your superpowers and see them as a force for good!  

Now, it’s not just about knowing them…it’s about engaging these incredible humans. 

#3 Know what’s Supernatural

So…This is your third exercise. 

Take out a piece of paper get ready to access your supernatural.  Your core values!  On my website at I have a FREE Download and video that helps you categorize your values and bring them into focus. 

Welcome to Reinvention

0:02 - Introduction Quotation

0:18 - Podcast Introduction

1:04 - Episode Introduction

2:27 - Reinvention Definition

4:15 - Jes Introduces Herself

5:00 - Hopes & Expectations for the Podcast

6:39 - Disclaimer/Clarification on Experiences Shared

8:32 - Step 1 of Reinvention: Identifying what your superpowers are

9:40 - When you are at your best, what do people see?

10:31 - Perspective Exercise

11:02 - When all else fails, ask others.

11:37 - Step 2 of Reinvention - Know Your Superstars

12:46 - How Superstars Act

13:23 - Jes’ Superstar Encounter

15:00 - Who are NOT Superstars

16:04 - Step 3 of Reinvention - Know What’s Supernatural (Core Values)

16:32 - Jes’ First Job

19:30 - Value Sort

20:39 - Closing

21:25 Outro 

You can find the core values worksheet and video, along with all things reinvention at where you can join the Reinvention Road Trip.

Mentioned in this episode: 

Retired Colonel Joseph N. LeBoeuf at Duke FuQua School of Business