The Spotlight Series - Don’t just survive, thrive!

How smartphone & blockchain technology helps smallholder farmers lift themselves out of poverty with David Davies, Founder of AgUnity

Nicola Steel Season 3 Episode 14

In the latest "The Spotlight Series - Don't Just Survive, Thrive" podcast, Nicola Steel speaks to David Davies. David is the Founder of AgUnity & has a fascinating story! He grew up in Outback Australia & his interest in tech took him to Hong Kong & the UK, time in West Africa & 12 years working in investment banks in Japan & Singapore. During his adventures on a UNESCO project in Africa, he came to understand the challenges of smallholder farmers (as well as being shot at, working on fields with land mines & been circled by hyenas - life is never dull with David!).

David explains how AgUnity happened by accident when he competed in a hackathon to win the prize of Singularity University & was introduced to the Gates Foundation.  AgUnity is a simple concept whereby blockchain allows transactions to be recorded securely & giving the farmers smartphones leads to trust, co-operation & collaboration to create a more level playing field. We discuss the dangers of how blockchain can be abused & lead to human trafficking. 

 AgUnitys’ global technology platform empowers thousands of organizations working toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals to connect with ‘the last mile’ farmers and communities. This customised smartphone & OS solution serves as a technological ecosystem; providing the people living and working with remote food supply chains with practical, accessible tools to connect, establish effective lines of communication and ensure an ethical, accountable means of trade. 
 Widely recognized by major NGO's and studied my leading universities, David’s team at AgUnity are currently running projects in Africa, Asia Latin America and the Pacific positively impacting farmer lives with profound and long-lasting effect.  

Learn more via their website ( and follow their journey across their social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram @agunity, Twitter @AgUnity). 

A warmer world will hurt this group more than any other | Bill Gates (

AgUnity | A Global Technology Platform - YouTube