The Spotlight Series - Don’t just survive, thrive!

Software Craftmanship and the importance of Sustainable Software with Ken Auer, Founder of Role Model Software

May 10, 2021 Nicola Steel Season 3 Episode 15

Ken Auer is the Founder of Role Model Software in North Carolina in the US.  Since the mid-1980s, Ken’s passion and commitment to software craftsmanship has made him a respected leader in the creation of sustainable software and high performance teams. He was introduced as "the father of software craftsmanship" at the inaugural Software Craftsmanship North America conference in 2009.

As a teenager, Ken’s main passions were baseball & maths which lead him to a degree in Computer Science specialising in software & management. In the 80s, he was introduced to GUI & OO programming including Smalltalk, the father of all OO languages. In 1997, he founded Role Model Software.

Ken started various workshops including the Software as a Studio Discipline which was the first world leading extreme programming studio. We talk about the benefits of situated learning & sustainable software.

There have been various highlights during his career including been introduced as "the father of software craftsmanship" at the inaugural Software Craftsmanship conference, mentoring young people who have gone on to do great things as well as his Lightning framework for designing custom SaaS products.

Ken’s advice – be humble, get rid of your ego, learn from everyone and serve others.

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