Everybody Hates Me: Let's Talk About Stigma

Dr. Andrea Gruneir and Jim Mann: Challenging stigma associated with aging and dementia

Dr. Carmen Logie, Canada Research Chair

Dr. Andrea Gruneir is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Alberta. She is an epidemiologist and her research focuses on the health care needs of older adults, in particular as related to the use of home and long-term care services. Find more about her research here and you can follow her on Twitter here. Jim Mann was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in February 2007 at the age of 58. Since that time, he has been active in the community breaking down stereotypes and assumptions about people living with a diagnosis of dementia by volunteering in the community, collaborating with research projects and through his writing as a published author. In recognition of his advocacy efforts toward the rights of people with lived experience of dementia, UBC  announced Jim is the recipient of an honorary Doctor of Laws degree. He also received the Governor General's Caring Canadian Award.

We talk about the stigma surrounding aging, and toward dementia and Alzheimer's more specifically. Andrea and Jim describe how stigma harms people experiencing dementia, as well  as their families, and prevents people from accessing healthcare and social support. We discuss the importance of people making the time to learn more about dementia and Alzheimers, and to listen to more stories and narratives to recognize and support people's full humanity.

Episode hosted by Dr. Carmen Logie. Supported by funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation and Canada Research Chairs program. Original music and podcast produced by Jupiter Productions, who have various production services available to support your podcast needs.