Dyslexia Mom Life™

3 Ways to Help Your Dyslexic Thrive this Summer

Season 3 Episode 105

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Children with dyslexia work so hard during the school year.  School is hard and the days are long. Summer is a time to relax, refuel, and recharge - for you and your child.

But, you may be thinking . . .  Can my child really take off the summer? Will they fall behind and be lost in the fall?  How urgent is remediation this summer?  What kind and how much remediation does my child need? 

Summer is all about balance. 

3 ways to help your dyslexic thrive this summer: (1) keep language a priority; (2) nurture your child's talents, gifts, and interests; and (3) unplug, explore, and have lots of fun.

You Got This!

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Need a step-by-step blueprint to go from feeling overwhelmed and lost, when learning about your child’s dyslexia, to clear and focused on your next steps to help your child be successful with dyslexia?  Grab your FREE copy of The Dyslexia Battle Blueprint, A Beginner's Guide - - >   https://dyslexiamomlife.com/resources

Are you interested in learning directly from Nicole?
Dyslexia Battle Blueprint Course (video lessons) --> https://dyslexiaparentingacademy.podia.com/dyslexia-battle-blueprint
Coaching with Nicole (sign up for a free 15 minute Coffee Chat to learn more) --> https://dyslexiamomlife.com/coaching

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