Dyslexia Mom Life™

How to Achieve Work Life Integration

Nicole Holcomb Season 3 Episode 111

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Jamie Jackson Spannhake is on the show sharing all about work-life integration for moms.  If you find yourself thinking about the things you need to do at work or home and not present in the moment with your family,  or if you feel tired from the lack of rest - this episode is for you.   

You Got This!

All things dyslexia and parenting --> www.dyslexiamomlife.com

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Need a step-by-step blueprint to go from feeling overwhelmed and lost, when learning about your child’s dyslexia, to clear and focused on your next steps to help your child be successful with dyslexia?  Grab your FREE copy of The Dyslexia Battle Blueprint, A Beginner's Guide - - >   https://dyslexiamomlife.com/resources

Are you interested in learning directly from Nicole?
Dyslexia Battle Blueprint Course (video lessons) --> https://dyslexiaparentingacademy.podia.com/dyslexia-battle-blueprint

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