Dyslexia Mom Life™

Back to School Bootcamp Series: Part 1 - Command Center

Nicole Holcomb Season 4 Episode 116

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A command center is a central location in your home where you can store daily items to keep your family organized with less clutter. 

What are the benefits of having a command center in your home?

  1. Central location for the family calendar
  2. Never lose your keys or field trip permission slips
  3. Important dates and events in one location
  4. Brings a sense of calm to your chaos 
  5. Direct everyone to one location 
  6. Less clutter 

Listen to learn more about creating your own home command center and start this school year out with a plan and less chaos.  You are going to love it!

You Got This!

Back to School Bootcamp for Moms,
VIP Experience

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