Inspiring Voices

The Rt Hon Lord Jim Knight of Weymouth: Reimagining education

Nicholas McKie Season 4 Episode 6

Lord Jim Knight works in education, digital technology and as a legislator. 
He is the Chief Education Adviser at Tes Global Ltd, advising on key strategic partnerships. He founded Tes Institute in 2014, which is now the fifth largest qualifier of teachers in England; he has also managed Tes Resources, a global teacher community of 13.5 million users. As a UK government minister his portfolios included rural affairs, schools, digital and employment. He was a member of Gordon Brown’s Cabinet 2009-2010, before joining the Lords after the 2010 General Election. He is also Honorary President of COBIS, on the Global Advisory Council for BETT, Chair of Whole Education, advises the London School of Commerce and is working with the social impact agency Purpose on teaching climate change.