The Gathering Church Podcast

Conversations: Spiritual Gifts with Bill Impey

October 23, 2020 The Gathering Season 1 Episode 2


This is the second episode of The Gathering Podcast. Today's "conversations with the congregation" episode is a conversation between the host Peter Varberg, and pastor Bill Impey. 


0:00 - 9:00 Peter introduces the conversation and Bill sets up the context at the Corinthian Church in which Paul's letters concerning spiritual gifts take place in.

9:00 - 25:00 Bill shares a testimony around his own spiritual gifts and some practical stories around identifying and experiencing the gifts.

25:00 - 44:00 Bill takes listeners through 1st Corinthians Ch 13. and provides a Biblical perspective on the spiritual gifts.

44:00 - 49:00 Bill shares some practical advice to our congregation on how to think about spiritual gifts, their purpose, and their benefit to the church.

Extra Resources

If you would like to learn more about spiritual gifts, check out these resources below!

Experiencing the Spirit - By Henry Blackaby

Renovation of the Heart - By Dallas Willard

Discovering Your Leadership Style. - By David T. Olson 

Mere Christianity - By C.S. Lewis