The Stream (with Will & Tom)

Green exaggeration with Sanmit Ahuja | The Stream on the road

Will Sarni & Tom Freyberg Season 4 Episode 14

n this special mini-season, before we kick off season 5, Will and Tom pack their bags and head to WEX Global 2022 in Valencia to chat with four special guests. 

This week, Sanmit Ahuja, Founder and CEO of Economic Impact Initiative, joins Will & Tom to chat about innovative water finance and business models.

Sanmit talks about not just solving but delivering water solutions, the pitfuls of green exaggerations and getting the boardroom onside when it comes to changing a company's 'green' DNA.

Plus, hear about: 

  • The challenges of raising venture capital 
  • Having faith in humanity 
  • Asking the question; if we can get a vaccine out in nine months, why can't we accelerate climate change solutions? 
  • The 2050 target makers kicking the can down the road
  • Finding the right water technology to solve the global challenges 
  • And the challenge of everyone wanting to be a unicorn 

This was a great episode to record, and an even better conversation, we hope you enjoy it! 

We hope you enjoy the episode and make sure to follow and subscribe to our channels to get alerts on the episodes.

We’re delighted you can join us on this voyage of discovery, as we journey down The Stream.

Special thanks to this season's sponsor, Raymond James.

And our charity partner, Frank Water.

And thanks to our knowledge partners: British Water, WWF, Water Alliance, DCU Water Institute, SurplusWater25, Earth and Environmental Science at Berkeley Lab, Water Foundry and Atlantean Media.