🎓 I’ve Created 8 Courses in 12 Months. Here’s What I’ve Learnt
Lifestyle Business School
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Lifestyle Business School
🎓 I’ve Created 8 Courses in 12 Months. Here’s What I’ve Learnt
Sep 17, 2024 Season 5 Episode 259
Stevie Dillon

In the past 12 months, I’ve created 8 online courses. 

That’s 680 lessons, according to my course platform.

[Read the full blog post here].

It’s all been part of a grand master plan I hatched in mid-2023 to build out the complete operating system for building a leveraged, expertise-based lifestyle business.

The eight courses are designed with that specific endgame in mind. 

Here’s a summary: 

  • Lifestyle Business School Roadmap: This is the overarching roadmap for mapping and tracking your progress to your personal endgame. 
  • Dream and Design: Design the leveraged expertise-based business model that satisfies the Monday Morning test and feels just right for you. 
  • Create and Validate: Build a simple, leveraged expertise-based offer suite (and the engaged lead list to sell it) in 12-weeks. 
  • Deliver and Delight: The full delivery playbook for building out a stand out and streamlined online course, group program, membership or mastermind. 
  • Rinse and Repeat: The ultimate collective of every live launch and promotion under the sun. 
  • Traffic Playbook: Develop and execute a simple but sophisticated marketing plan to sell your scalable offers. 
  • Automate and Accelerate: Build out a fully automated system of cascading campaigns to sell your offers on autopilot.. while you sleep. 
  • [Not currently included in Lifestyle Business School] Operational Elegance: The full back end blueprint for running your online business including systems, structure and streamlined processes to simplify, scale.. or step back!

Here’s why it was important to me, though.

When I looked around, I saw too much piecemeal advice.

 “Implement this strategy for success!” – one course would say.

“Do this and get your next 1000 followers!” – another would say. 

The truth is, everything worked (if implemented).

But, the advice was piecemeal.

They were tactics, when ultimately what someone needs to build a successful leveraged lifestyle business is a simple, holistic strategy, and a clear map with all of the pieces laid out in order.

That’s what I have created in Lifestyle Business School

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Episode Artwork 🎓 I’ve Created 8 Courses in 12 Months. Here’s What I’ve Learnt 55:05 Episode Artwork 👋 How I Bring in Leads (What’s Working Now) 36:34 Episode Artwork 💰 Q4 Money-Making Season: The Five-Step-Prep For Your Biggest Quarter Yet 35:21 Episode Artwork 😴 Sales in Your Sleep: The Evergreen Funnel Formula Working Right Now for Automated Profit 46:09 Episode Artwork 💸 Money: How I Make It, Manage It and Grow It to Make Work Optional 52:39