The High Performance Half Hour

6. Simon Frost - Stop before you start; Meditation made Simple

David Osgathorp Season 1 Episode 6

Undoubtedly the biggest thing that has helped me in both my business life and personal life over the last ten years has been in learning the art of relaxation and meditation.

When we are caught up in our busy lives we think that they only way we can achieve more is by pushing harder and whilst this will often work in the short-term, it will inevitably lead to stress, exhaustion and burn-out.

The art of "stopping before you start" was a concept that my good friend Simon Frost introduced to me many years ago and it is something I still live by today. In my book PERFORM I discuss the importance of winning the morning and each day when I stop before I start, calm my mind, get a clear picture of what I need to do, who I need to be and how I need to act, good things usually happen.

In this interview Simon talks about his work and how he enables people to overcome the thoughts and fears that are holding them back in life. We discuss the current lock down period due to the COVID-19 pandemic and how it can be re-framed as a time to stop, reflect and move forwards in a renewed, positive manner.

I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation and I hope you do to and as an additional bonus, I asked Simon to provide you with a guided meditation which i included at the end of this episode.