The High Performance Half Hour

24. David Osgathorp - What's The Story?

David Osgathorp Season 2 Episode 24

What's The Story that you are telling yourself right now?

We've all had a crazy experience over the last year or so and as we emerge out of lockdown we've got a number of choices to make...

In this episode I'm going to discuss what I believe is often the single biggest factor in determining success - and that's the story that we choose to tell ourselves.

For some people the pandemic has caused them a lot of stress and discomfort, for others they have come out of this time in a better place.

Whatever may have happened to you, one thing is for sure, you cannot change the events of the last 12 months. But you do have the power to change the story that you choose to tell yourself now.

This little episode is all about being aware of the words that you use and the beliefs that you hold, because ultimately they will determine your success or failure.

As Henry Ford once said "Whether you think you can or think you can't,  you're right.