Eyes On Whiteness

Whites gonna white. A special election day episode.

Season 1 Episode 5

Diedra and Maureen spend some time using our tool "Transmuting White Supremacy and Patriarchy" to discuss how this election day is for each of us.

Note, it's recorded before we have ANY information and we're as curious as you to see how it lands on the day after the election when you all hear it!

Transmuting White Supremacy and Patriarchy, for us, means practicing
Introspection, Self- Awareness, Vulnerability, Transparency, Intersectional Inquiry, and Invoking Collectivism. 
Join us- what are you noticing in your own reflections?

*Note: the origin of "Whites gonna white...." is unclear as we discuss in the episode. If anyone has info to share on a place you've heard it, please reach out to us!

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