Kids These Days need us to Make Words Matter for good

S5 E9: A new view of how we see COMFORT with Victoria Rodriguez

Dr. Beth Trammell, PhD, HSPP Season 5 Episode 9

Y'all. I have been WAITING for this episode to drop since I recorded it. I haven't been able to get this episode out of my mind. And I am continually STILL fighting to prioritize my own comfort. You will NOT want to miss SO.MUCH.GOOD. from this episode.

We spend particular attention to our bodies and physical comfort - and how it impacts our overall mood (and day...and relationships!). Here is a bit more about Victoria: Revive Counseling and Consulting - Online Counseling in Louisiana (

As always, thanks for tuning in folks!! Your support matters more than you know! Listen, comment, like and SHARE!

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