Kids These Days need us to Make Words Matter for good

Ep16: Facing the hard topics...suicide

Dr. Beth Trammell, PhD, HSPP Season 1 Episode 16

During this "Mental Health Moment" I explore the hard topic of suicide. It is never an easy thing to discuss, but the more we shed light on this stigmatizing topic, the less shame folks will feel about it. As we face an unprecedented time of uncertainty, we really need to all be ready to respond to hopelessness in our friends and family.

I share tips and resources for talking about suicide with your friends and kids. Listen in!

The keynote speaker I talked about is named Kevin Hines. You can learn about him on his website

I also spoke about him with my colleague Dr. Deborah Miller on our YouTube Channel - The Beth and Deb Show - if you are interested, you can check that out, too! Always looking for folks to share and subscribe there! :)

Big Shout-out to YMCA of Muncie for hosting this episode!