Kids These Days need us to Make Words Matter for good

S2Ep3: How to stop the broken record with our kids at any age!

Dr. Beth Trammell, PhD, HSPP Season 2 Episode 3

Today, my friend and colleague (and fellow kid therapist), Amanda Owens, joins me again to discuss the broken record. Ever feel like..."sheesh, haven't I already said this?!?"  Listen in for these helpful tips at each age group (preschoolers, elementary, and teens) to stay calm and keep yourself out of the broken record cycle!

As always, be sure to FOLLOW us on Facebook @MWMwithKids or check out our website for parenting books, inspirational tees and ongoing blog posts -

You can find more about Amanda Owens at

Finally, a HUGE shoutout to the YMCA of Muncie for co-sponsoring this podcast. Follow them on Facebook @YMCAofMuncie.