CASA Delaware Live!

Episode #71 CASA Connection Post Appointment

CASA Delaware Live! Episode 71

In Episode #71, we chat with CASA Rob Teti and his CASA youth, Tymir. Tymir came into care and received Rob as his CASA. Rob worked with Tymir for several weeks and immediately identified some of Tymir's needs and interests. Turns out, Tymir loves animals and guess who is a Veterinarian? You guessed it....Rob! They immediately clicked over animals and Rob supported Tymir as he was reunified with ihis mother. However, their relationship continued long past Rob's appointment as Tymir's CASA. Today, Tymir is a successfully reunified 16-year-old who visits with Rob at his farm weekly. Rob is engaged in supporting Tymir graduate high school, seek employment, and eventually go on to veterinarian school. Good luck Tymir!