CASA Delaware Live!

Episode #18 What is a DAG at DFS?

CASA Delaware Live! Episode 18

In Episode #18, we chat with Jonathan Harting, a DFS Attorney, otherwise known as a Deputy Attorney General. Jonathan is based in New Castle County and represents the Division in Family Court proceedings. He has been with DFS for a few years as a DAG and during our chat with him, he explains what he feels are the high points and low points of his job. Every DFS division in each county is represented in court by a DAG. Just like each parent is given an attorney (if they are indigent) and the child has an attorney through OCA/CASA, so does DFS. Jonathan shares with us his experience as the Division's attorney and what he feels CASA volunteers should know about his role, DFS, and other helpful tidbits of info for volunteers. Please enjoy our chat with Jonathan Harting!