CASA Delaware Live!

Episode #24 What is a DAG at DFS Round 2!

CASA Delaware Live! Episode 24

In Episode #24, we interview attorney Jae Eberly who is the attorney for the Division of Family Services. As an attorney for DFS, he is known as a DAG (Deputy Attorney General). He shares his experience with us as an attorney for the state for nearly 20 years. He is now based in Kent County and he shares some great insights on how CASA volunteers can best assist the child welfare process. The number one theme that reoccurred during our chat with Jae was how crucial CASAs can be when it comes to communication. Often times CASA volunteers are the one person who has been on the case from the beginning and knows all the players. CASAs can encourage communication between all the parties, they can update DFS when they learn something of importance, and they can collaborate with the child attorney and CASA Coordinator to identify any gaps in services. Enjoy this episode!