CASA Delaware Live!

Episode #25 It's OK to Disagree

CASA Delaware Live! Episode 25

In Episode #25, we chat with Sussex CASA Carole Cotman who details her DFS case while highlighting not only her own advocacy skills, but also the manner in which to agree to disagree. Carole chats about her case which involved 4 generations of one family. She visited various foster homes numerous times as well as the homes of family members. Carole used her professional background as an educator to encourage team members to speak openly yet kindly to one another. She was able to navigate one member's anger issues and work with him to realize the ultimate goal. In the end, DFS and CASA disagreed on permanency for two of the children and Carole details how she was able to still work with DFS in a very positive way even though they disagreed on permanency. Have a listen and enjoy!