CASA Delaware Live!

Episode #47 Celebrating 50 Years of Delaware's Family Court!

CASA Delaware Live! Episode 47

In Episode #47, we celebrate 50 years of the Delaware Family Court System! To honor this momentous occasion, we interview Chief Judge Michael Newell, Sussex County Family Court Judge Kenneth M. Millman and Child Advocate Tania Culley, Esq. of the Office of the Child Advocate. These three guests discuss their involvement in the Family Court History Book project as well as how they have witnessed the Family Court evolve over the past half century. Judge Millman explains what the court looked like nearly 25 years ago before the Court Improvement Project was started. He also highlights what actions came about as a result of that effort and how they continue on today. Both Chief Judge Newell and Tania Culley discuss where they see the Family Court going in the next 50 years and how they hope to contribute.
Please enjoy this edition of our podcast!