Sage Warrior Gentleman - Three Facets of the Modern Man

SWG Episode 30 - 5 Ways to Become a Better Man Now Intro and Tactic #1

Jeff Hendrickson Season 1 Episode 30

Bachelor Survival Guides:  5 Ways to Become a Better Man Now
Your Guide to the Essential Habits that Make People Respect and Honor You

Here is from page 1 of the guide:

Welcome to your life as a bachelor in the 21st century.

I think you’ll agree that the world has never been as complicated as it is right now.  We get closer and closer to our world with each new technology marvel to hit the shelves and the internet yet in getting this close, we also tend to lose our way in what is acceptable and what isn’t.

Let’s get one thing clear right up front – this is not a guide about the latest technique to pick up women.  
There is no dating advice here and The Bachelor Survival Guides website isn’t going to teach you how to score.  We’re not about that.

What you will learn here and at the website is how to be a gentleman in the modern world.  You’ll learn that chivalry is not dead, and that by practicing these skills and doing the things we teach you, your character as a man will increase.

You’ll gain confidence that everyone will notice and when you do start a relationship that means something to you, your new love interest will be knocked over by what she feels from you and what she sees in the way you live.

Age doesn’t matter.

It’s really no secret that the divorce rate is higher than it’s ever been.  And what that means is that there are single guys out there from high school graduates to executive level professionals.   

Whether you’re 17 or 67, this guide, the website and the other books and media that we’ll produce will help you be a man that a woman admires and wants to be with if that’s your goal.   


We can only guarantee you that the skills you can learn here will help you get your shit together.  The rest is up to you.  If you’re ready, let’s get started.  If you’re not willing to put some time and effort into this process, thanks for checking this out and best of luck to you.  No hard feelings. 

Enjoy --- Jeff