Exploring Food Allergy Families

Food Allergies & ARFID: Is It Just Picky Eating?; Guest: Tiffany Taft, PsyD [Ep. 17]

June 11, 2021 Tamara Hubbard, LCPC (The Food Allergy Counselor website)

Many people have picky eating habits and may even avoid a number of foods, but when do these food preferences become problematic, especially for those managing food allergy?

This episode explores the answers to these questions and the diagnosis of ARFID (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder) which is a diagnosis becoming more well-known in those managing chronic conditions focused on food intake.

My guest, gastropsychologist Tiffany Taft, PsyD and I talk about: 

  • What ARFID is AND isn't; 
  • Differences between ARFID & picky eating habits; 
  • When to be concerned about picky eating habits; 
  • The role of anxiety/fear in the development of ARFID; 
  • When to reach out for help with allergy-related restrictive eating patterns; 
  • How therapists, mental healthcare  and medical professionals  should approach ARFID assessment and treatment; 

To learn more about ARFID, visit these resources: 

Visit the Rome Foundation's Gastropsych Directory for a directory of providers who understand the diagnosis and treatment of gut brain interactions and functional GI disorders.

To locate an allergy-informed clinical counseling provider in your state, or to access therapeutic worksheets and related resources, visit the Food Allergy Counselor Directory & website (www.FoodAllergyCounselor.com)



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