Sound Waves

Life after blood cancer

September 25, 2020 Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust Season 3 Episode 3

September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month.

What these awareness days, weeks, and months do is put into focus the specificities of lived experienced. We talked about sarcoma awareness back in season 2, and hearing George, Chloe, and Lewis talk about what that diagnosis had been like for them was illuminating.

This week, we're talking to Holly and Thomas. Holly's been involved with the Trust since 2014 and became a volunteer last year, and Thomas came on his first trip last year. They talk about it where it all began for them, and where it's taken them since. No two experiences are alike, and this is a conversation with different discoveries and different kinds of personal support when dealing with blood cancer.

As mentioned in the episode, here are some peer-reviewed scientific readings on:

Sugar and cancer

Cannabis, cannabis oils, and cancer