Casa De Confidence Podcast

How to embrace your dream and take charge with Christina Kaye

Episode 167

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Lately, it feels like many people are forgoing their dreams because they are too busy with everyday life.

This past week, I have also experienced how easily things can change from everyday mundane routines to a new normal.

No matter the circumstance, I want to encourage you not to lose sight of your dreams, hopes, and desires.

It is easy to have these things get lost in the shuffle of life. For many years, I fell into the trap of losing sight of my dreams. I kept saying that when the time was right when the right things fell into place, I would write my book, start a business, chase becoming a speaker... 

The truth is that we can only guarantee our next best moment. The proverbial present moment is the only thing we can count on.

Today on the podcast, I interviewed Christina Kaye. She is committed to helping people realize their dream of becoming authors.

Take it from me; writing a book is a challenging process. It is a humbling experience but totally worth it.

As I sit here in the common area of the rehab facility where I am visiting my mom, I cannot help to be reminded of how fragile life can be.

I wonder if this place is where we can find aspiring authors, world travelers, or phenomenal entrepreneurs. If so, my message to them is the same one I have for you today.

It is never too late to make your dream a reality.

Be a dream getter... don't let life get in the way...

Be willing to believe that what you want to accomplish is possible.

In today's podcast episode of Casa De Confidence, you will hear my conversations with an incredible woman helping those who dream of writing a book a reality.

I want to challenge you to dream about the possibilities. I want to encourage you to ask yourself, "how can I?" instead of sayi

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