Casa De Confidence Podcast

Week1 Day2 Peaceful-You Mindful Exercise

Julie DeLucca-Collins Season 1 Episode 20

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Hi Friend, 

Establishing a mindfulness and meditation practice has been a gift in my life. It is almost one year since I became a Certified Yoga and mindfulness teacher. 

My mindfulness practice allows me to grow in self-acceptance and self-compassion. I am working on being less judgmental of myself and more of a coach for myself. 

Earlier this year, I decided that to grow fully as an individual and coach, I needed to deepen my knowledge as a Mindfulness teacher and Holistic Coach. For this reason, I decided to pursue additional certification as a Mindfulness Life Coach. 

My goal is to continue to learn to handle mental chatter and focus on the present moment.

I have created a 21-day “Peaceful You” Course. 

I aim to help you learn how also to incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your daily habits.  

If you are tired of being stressed out, frustrated, unable to stop negative thinking, and ready to live fully aware, awake, and alive, I invite you to take the 21 Day Mindfulness, Peaceful You Course I will be leading. 

All you have to do is grab the workbook by going to

Hit the Resources Tab, and click on the Peaceful you.

or click here

In addition to the workbook, you will get a lesson for the day, and access a meditation design to correspond to the day’s lesson. You will also get access to 3 live calls with me during August 2020, where I answer your questions and celebrate your success in this journey. 

If you are joining after August… GOOD news, the content is still available fo

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