3D printing our way to global education. With Maggie Grout and Amir Mortazavi.

Maggie Grout, Amir Mortazavi

Global education is essential. Sustainability in construction and architectural is crucial. 3D printing is here to bridge the two. Designs are underway for the first 3D printed school in Madagascar, having minimal costs, quick construction whilst still providing jobs for the community and supporting the economy.

Maggie Grout started an NGO called Thinking Huts which strives to increase access to global education through creating architectural solutions through technology. She teamed up with Amir Mortazavi, CEO of Canopy and Studio Mortazavi, to design the first 3D printed schools using beehive design.

Maggie and Amir joined Niko Woischnik, founder of TOA, on the podcast to talk about using technology for improved social impact, the future of jobs when tech could take over, and how building a 3D school ACTUALLY works.

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