Vital Signs: A Podcast for Sentara Providers

Wellness Series - Episode 1 Gwendolyn Williams, MD

June 08, 2021 Physician Education Season 3 Episode 1
Wellness Series - Episode 1 Gwendolyn Williams, MD
Vital Signs: A Podcast for Sentara Providers
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Vital Signs: A Podcast for Sentara Providers
Wellness Series - Episode 1 Gwendolyn Williams, MD
Jun 08, 2021 Season 3 Episode 1
Physician Education

Sentara Health is accredited by the Southern States CME Collaborative to provide continuing medical education for physicians. 

Sentara Health designates this enduring material for a maximum of .25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. 

Sentara Health Continuing Medical Education adheres to ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education. Any individuals in a position to control the content of an accredited activity, including faculty, planners, reviewers or others are required to disclose all relevant financial relationships with ineligible entities (commercial interests). All relevant conflicts of interest have been mitigated prior to the commencement of the activity.

To Claim Credit for listening to this episode:
1. Click here and enter 13722 as the Activity ID (number).
2. Then go to the MY CME tab and complete the evaluation.
3. Credit hours will be reflected on your transcript, or you may download your certificate.

For more information, click here.

Music Phoenix Rising:

Reach out to Physician Education at for more information.

Show Notes Transcript

Sentara Health is accredited by the Southern States CME Collaborative to provide continuing medical education for physicians. 

Sentara Health designates this enduring material for a maximum of .25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. 

Sentara Health Continuing Medical Education adheres to ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education. Any individuals in a position to control the content of an accredited activity, including faculty, planners, reviewers or others are required to disclose all relevant financial relationships with ineligible entities (commercial interests). All relevant conflicts of interest have been mitigated prior to the commencement of the activity.

To Claim Credit for listening to this episode:
1. Click here and enter 13722 as the Activity ID (number).
2. Then go to the MY CME tab and complete the evaluation.
3. Credit hours will be reflected on your transcript, or you may download your certificate.

For more information, click here.

Music Phoenix Rising:

Reach out to Physician Education at for more information.

Speaker 1:

You are listening to vital science, a podcast for Sentara providers. Welcome to episode one of the wellness series and today's episode. We are joined by Dr. Gwendolyn Williams. Hospitalists was Sentara care clinics hospital. Before we turn things over to Dr. Williams, let's go over some important CME announcements. This episode has been accredited for AMA PRA category one credits for detailed accreditation and designation information. Along with disclosure information, please visit the show notes. This information can also be found on our website Here's Dr. Williams,

Speaker 2:

Welcome friends to the wellness podcast. My name is Dr. Gwendolyn Williams. I am a hospitalist at Sentara caplets hospital and the co-chair of the ambulatory services division wellness and engagement committee. I am very excited to be here with you today, as we discuss how we can find strength in the shared humanity of our experiences and truly care for ourselves and each other, as we all know from life experiences, whether it's the loss of a loved one, the COVID-19 pandemic, or some other traumatic events in our life, fear, anxiety and uncertainty. We're at the forefront. These strong emotions are overwhelming and lead to a high level of stress. And this stress can stay with us and manifest into States of depression, hopelessness, burnout, and moral injury. But there are things we can do as individuals, as a community to build resilience, inspire hope, and empower ourselves. And each other resilience is our ability to adapt during times of stress or change. It's normal to have times in our lives that are very stressful. Resilience is response to those difficulties. Resilience helps mentally or emotionally cope with the crisis and return to a better pre crisis status quicker than others. Resilience can help us develop a deeper sense of meaning and purpose. In many aspects of our lives, including work, school, family, and relationships to develop resilience. You need to first take good care of ourselves, our physical and mental health and find creative ways that work for each of us to cope with challenging situations. People who develop mental and emotional resilience have psychological and behavioral capabilities that allow them to remain calm during crisis or chaos. They're able to perceive the situation with optimistic realism and able to move on from the incident without long-term negative consequences. You see resilience is not about rebounding. It's about moving forward. We don't want to rebound to how things were prior to experiencing adversity. Instead, we want to learn and grow with our experiences. Resilience is not about how much you can bench press or deadlift, how fast or how far you can run. It has nothing to do with how tough you are or your physical fitness. It has nothing to do with what you are not, but everything to do with what you are right now. I'd like you to take a moment and think about how you're feeling without any judgment of course. Think about what is most important to you in your life and bring that to the forefront of your mind when you have what it is, that's most important to you in your life right now, hold on to it. Just keep that at the forefront of your mind, as we continue to discuss how we can better care for ourselves in each other, you see, anytime we discuss techniques for building resilience and how we can support ourselves and each other, it must revolve around what is most important to you. It only works. If you can focus on what is most important to you, what brings you light and happiness in your daily life? What brings you joy? What brings you love? What brings you peace? You see there's a triad of life. Think of it as a flowing series of life. There are external forces over which we have little to no control. This is the business, the day-to-day the system mechanics, the science, our natural disasters. And of course our epidemics in our pandemics. Then there are the internal conditions that we do have control over. This includes our own inner narrative, our stuff, our emotions, habits, our personal human experience. The things that make us us life outcomes are the result of the internal and external forces. We cannot control much of the external, but we can harness more control to influence internal environments, which will then allow us to have more intentional action to positively affect our own outcomes. When we can, when we talk about life outcomes, our success, our pride, what we love, what matters, what is most important? We easily realized that we're part of two teams in life, our work team and our home team, and to be the best we can for each team, we have to take care of ourselves. We have to nurture our wellbeing and advocate for our own wellness to advocate for our own wellness. We have to start with our own self awareness. We have to, as I like to say, be aware and self care, self care is giving the world the very best of you instead of what's left of you. How can you expect to care for others? If you don't first care for yourself, there is a saying you cannot pour from an empty cup. So it is imperative that we develop the skills and strategies, especially during times of crisis to recce recover and replenish our bodies, spirits and minds, especially for those who work in health care, self care and wellness is not a luxury. It is a necessity. Self care is preventative and will lead to better overall health mentally and physically. You will have more to give to yourself and your teams instead of feeling like you're always depleted of your internal resources. Self care wellness is responsible to be in the right place, physiologically for your children. Families, pets loved ones. You need to be able to find your place of calm and revival, self care and wellness is connecting. Being well supports better relationships with everyone around you and with yourself, creating a sense of acceptance and a better understanding and a deeper awareness for who you are and who others are as well. So I invite you to get back to your why, why we care is very important. If you start an exercise program and you don't have a solid why as your motivation, your likelihood of success is lower. Why we do what we do is important. If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or unfulfilled, it could be because you don't have a clear understanding of your why you may be working to live up to someone. Else's why in the absence of your own, as a result, you become out of alignment with your own unique purpose. And when you become out of alignment with your purpose, you become out of alignment with your wellness, your why provides stability and direction in the chaos of life. It helps you grow by giving you the courage and resilience to endure tough challenges. Everyone's why is hidden in a different place and can be uncovered in many different ways. Here are some ways to reconnect with your why, think of your values. These are your core beliefs that guide your actions, behaviors, and your interactions with the world. What are your values? What is very important to you in how you live your life? How your family, your children, your siblings, your parents, your coworkers interact. What is value to you? Think about what motivates you. Your motivations are the actions you feel compelled to take, to express why it's, what gets you excited about having to give into external pressure from others? They are things you enjoy immensely. And what makes you feel happy? Like your family, B cat, your dog, a beautiful garden you've worked on. And when it blooms after a season of planting, you feel so proud. It's really anything that you can imagine. What motivates you comes from inside of you, Think about your passions. What are your passions? These are your interests that constantly leave you wanting more. You want to spend more time experiencing them than you're currently able to do. Maybe you need to make a list of them. What are your passions? What tribes you? What are you passionate about? Truly, don't forget your strengths encompass your natural abilities, your talents, your marketable quote, hard skills, or your people quote soft skills and other life skills. They are your natural tendencies for work. What are your strengths? Knowing your purpose is important because it inspires you. It prioritizes your energies. It cuts through the white noise and the competing demand and empowers you to focus on what is essential to your own individual. Happiness, focusing on our own self care and wellness, reconnecting with our why, finding out what motivates us, what we're passionate about, knowing our strengths, knowing our values, knowing our purpose, doing these things will build our courage and resilience. And that is what will take us beyond the negative, beyond the chaos, beyond the fear, anxiety, and uncertainty, to a higher level of thinking guided by a positive mindset and perspective where our happiness is limitless. Remember genuine happiness comes from within. Let's take a moment to recognize it, that happiness inside embrace it like a small light inside of you. That gets bigger and bigger. The more you reach for it until it is emanating from your being. That's what we're aiming for. This is the true beauty of life, the presence of your light in whatever capacity you want to show it to the outside world, or just show it to yourself. I'd like to thank you for joining me today and for taking time to nurture and grow your own wellness. The light in me recognizes the light in you. Take care and remember be well,

Speaker 1:

Thank you for joining us and be on the lookout for episode two of the wellness series you've been listening to Sentara healthcare is vital signs, a podcast for Sentara providers. As a reminder, read today's show notes for information about claiming your continuing education credits. Well, that's it for now, but we'll be back soon with another episode of vital signs, a podcast for Sentara providers, the podcast that provides evidence-based education programs for physicians and healthcare providers on the go.