Look Out For Joy

Laugh Lines

Adria Wilkins Season 3 Episode 1

It's a new year! Welcome to 2022. 

This is season 3 of Look Out for Joy.

Thank you for being part of my adventure.

I pray you enjoy my podcast.

We are going to make you think about laughter and laugh lines in this episode of Look out for Joy.

What is a dimple? 20-30% of the world's population have dimples. 

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Welcome to 2022. It's a new year, a new time for us to create joy, to create joy around us to create joy for the people who are around us. And for people that we encounter along the way. You know, it is tough sometimes, with all that's going on in our world, whether it is a pandemic, whether it is a natural disaster, whether it is just stuff that happens in our lives, we sometimes can get called, and just the state of being down and out, or the blues, how can we break that cycle? And sometimes, it's hard to get out of it, I know that there are times that I have the blues. And I have to say, okay, what can I do to help myself, work myself out of this process? Sometimes, I need to put on a funny movie. Sometimes I need to watch some YouTube videos, or tick tock videos, and just laugh. Laughter is one of the best medicines for helping us take our minds off of the blues or being down or just inward focused. Have you ever heard of people saying that they have laughed lines, they're actually little wrinkles or lines that come down your face by your nose and down your mouth? And as we get older, those become more pronounced? Well, I was thinking about it this way. We call them laugh lines. But what if you were in a laugh line at the grocery store or mall? I would rather be in this line no matter how long matte laugh line is, versus a grumpy line. Every day, it seems like I notice more wrinkles and lines on my face. I noticed these creases. And I have dimples, which I have discovered are genetic. If your parents both have dimples, then you as a child will more than likely have a dimple. I think the word dimple is a funny word. Sometimes, you can actually Google funny words, and that will make you laugh as well. About 20 to 30% of the world's population has dimples. Some even consider it a birth defect. But others associate dimples with attraction. One thing that I love to do is laugh. Sometimes I can laugh at just something that's happened here around the house, a TV show or maybe someone trips while they're walking and you get tickled. But I love the Mary Poppins movie. If you haven't ever seen that you need to take some time to sit down and watch that. There's one part of the movie where they go to this man's house. His name is Bert. And he has a condition of laughing too much. And it makes him float up to the ceiling. And he just keeps laughing and thinks about funny things. And he stays up close to the ceiling. And so when Mary Poppins and the kids and Dick Van Dyke in the movie come to Burt's house, they get tickled because he's laughing so much. And they end up floating to the ceiling with Bert. And so the kids are laughing and they're saying, Oh,

how do we get down? I don't think we'll ever get down. And then Bert says, oh, there's a way to get down. You have to think of something sad. And so they try to think of something sad, but then it turns into a joke and they'll they'll come down a little bit because they think of something sad but then they laugh about it and then they go back up to the ceiling. And as you watch that the more that you watch it you will find that towards the end That little segment of the movie, you are just chuckling you know, there are several different words that people use for laughter. For instance, some call it cackling chortle, cracking up, goo fall, which is a loud boisterous laugh. You might have heard people saying that they were in stitches, or the thank laughter handoff. I think that's kind of scary. Who laughs their head off? Well, I have been known to laugh pretty hard sometimes that I will get to coughing. And I will say, Oh, I have laughed my head off. But what are some things that make you laugh. I've been watching the Amazing Race. And these competitors had to slant down this big ski type heel with many curves and bumps. And they actually rode on this sled. It's called a Tundra wolf sled. And they actually got on their knees, and they would go down, and it was going very fast. And so sometimes the people would fall over and flip their feet go into the air, and I would just find myself laughing at these people falling off of these sleds. So sometimes I like to watch videos of people falling off of things falling out of canoes, and kayaks. If you want a good laugh, go to YouTube, type in people falling out of kayaks or canoes, and I guarantee you, you will find something to chuckle about. There are different kinds of laughters. And on the Mary Poppins movie, they talk about those different kinds of laughters through the nose, or the teeth, or the ones that Twitter like little birds, or the ones that make a big loud blast. And so sometimes, depending on what I'm laughing about, I will laugh in a different way. Our grandson loves to get tickled. And I'm not meaning like laughter Tico I mean, he wants people to actually come and physically tickle him, so that he can laugh, and he will ask his mom, he'll say, Mama tickle me. And his giggle is so cute. Anytime you hear a kid giggle, it usually will make you laugh. Laughter is a physical expression of positive emotions such as joy, happiness, or even relief or nervousness, laughter is contagious. The study of human laughter is called jell o otology. And I think that is a funny word.

When we are our family members are kind of feeling down or the blues, we need to check in with each other, we need to ask each other how we're feeling. You know, with the kids being out of school, because of the pandemic or the snow, or whatever is going on in our world. We need to touch base with our kids, we need to say how are you feeling because they're not in a routine kid's life routine, whether they act like it or not. And so we need to encourage them to have a way to have an outlet to get some of that energy out to laugh to have some physical activity. So here are seven things that you can do when you are cooped up, or have cabin fever, as they called it many years ago. You can make a basic schedule for the day, but be flexible, be creative, and make choices that are fun. For example, you can set a timer and say for five minutes, we're going to see how much we can pick up and straighten up. And it's actually fun. And I've noticed that younger kids really enjoy this activity. You could keep a puzzle or an art project out on the table. And at different times throughout the day. People can just come at their own leisure and put that puzzle together. And it's a fun, creative outlet. There's no pressure you just do it whenever you feel like it. You could invite your kids or your spouse to help with meals or baking a fun, sweet treat. You could also turn on some upbeat music and tell everyone where In a dance for three to five minutes, which is usually the time of one song, you could also encourage everyone to go outside or do some form of physical exercise for 15 to 20 minutes every day. And I guarantee you, when they do that, they're gonna feel better, they're going to have their endorphins turned on in their bodies, and they're going to feel happier, they're going to feel better all around. And that's the thing that you can do is get a dry erase board and write down some of the activities and give people ideas for things that they can do. And when they have completed or done one of that those activities, they can write their name on the board. And sometimes that gives people a sense of accomplishment. But given gift of laughter, could be, and is one of the best free gifts that you can do for yourself, it can actually boost your immune system, relieve pain, and definitely it will improve your move. It doesn't take much for me to laugh. I can laugh at a funny phrase, when sometimes I say things out of order a phrase and my husband will catch me on it and say, I don't think you said that quite right. And so often, we will chuckle and laugh. And you have to learn to laugh at yourself. What kind of things make you laugh, I would love to hear what those things might be. And that will give us all ideas for having more humor and laughter into our lives. One other creative thing that you can do is create a laughter journal. Anytime that you laugh at something, stop and pause and say, oh, I need to write that down. What caused me to laugh. And then as you begin to build that journal, if you are kind of having a down moment, you could go to that journal. And you could read some of those things that made you laugh, and it would bring back that memory, it would probably make you laugh, or smile, or at least feel better. So I encourage you to create a laughter journal, in this new year of 2022 and beyond. And it could be something that you could pass down to your children and grandchildren. And it would add humor, and laughter and fun in memories of things that have brought you joy and laughter into your life and hopefully into their lives. And for many, many years to come.

If you're looking for a speaker for your next event, I have many workshops that I like to do for being creative for generating joy in your life, generating Adventures of joy, doodling and journaling, and check out my website at Adria wilkins.com And you can find the different workshops, the different speaking keynotes that I can provide. In the next time you're looking for someone to come and share how they can find joy, even during the difficult times. I would love to come and be a guest speaker for your group. Remember, be on the lookout for joy