extrakTALKS with Dr. Jon

The Most Boring Episode - All About Leachables - #40

Dr. Jon Season 2 Episode 40

Packing is often a little talked about, often overlooked aspect of any business operation. In the extraction industry, however, packaging is a critical aspect of the industry. There are so many rigorous specifications necessary to comply with a legal consumable CBD product it would be a shame to follow them all only to find that your packaging contains leachables that find their way into your product. Leachables are materials that can find their way into a product that would otherwise be safe for consumption and cause it to be unfit for human consumption. This is why packaging and monitoring of leachables is of vital importance in your extraction operation. In this episode of extrakTALKS, Dr. Jon and Randall Thompson discuss this invigorating topic including discussion on wetted materials, food contact notification specifications, safe and unsafe packaging materials and more.

Randall and Dr. Jon talk about leachables within product packaging.