extrakTALKS with Dr. Jon

Operation Sustainability: Improving Climate through Extraction - #52

Dr. Jon Season 2 Episode 52

Operating your extraction business in a clean and green manner is becoming essential to an increasingly growing mindfulness to sustainability. While there are many operational practices that can lead to a successful extraction process, there are clearly some extraction methods that contribute more significantly to the overall carbon footprint of large scale manufacturing around the world. Because of this, extraktLAB chooses to use supercritical CO2 as their primary extraction method as it is the cleanest, greenest method that can be used efficiently while remaining profitable. 

In this episode of extrakTALKS, Dr. Jon and Jared Lerche sit down to discuss sustainable extraction practices, how to operate with the smallest possible carbon footprint, and why supercritical CO2 remains the most efficient clean and green extraction method for the hemp and cannabis industry. To keep moving the Industry forward we need to rethink the approach to every aspect of production. Currently the focus seems to be cultivation and packaging. But much of the carbon footprint can be traced to production. 

Listen in to find out exactly how much it takes to produce a single vape cartridge and see how production has a massive impact on the environment. And how as a consumer you can demand better and as a producer show that you also care about the environment.