extrakTALKS with Dr. Jon

How to Create A Financial Model - #63

Dr. Jon Season 3 Episode 63

When you are planning to build a startup in the extraction industry, understanding your finances inside and out is essential. Mapping out the plans for your business in terms of your uniqueness in the industry and capitalizing on those specialties can mean a financially successful operation before you even hit the ground, but without a financial model to guide you along the way, you can get lost very quickly. 

This is why building a financial model is vital in terms of building your startup and appealing to potential investors as you grow your business. In this episode of extrakTALKS, Dr. Jon discusses how to create a financial model in the extraction industry. This episode goes into detail about the basic elements of building a business plan, creating an investor pitch presentation, determining what makes you unique in the industry and capitalizing on it and much more.  Listen in to understand the real benefits of creating a business plan and using it to be more successful as you build your business.