Heal, Grow, Thrive: The Podcast
Heal, Grow, Thrive: The Podcast
COVID-19 Community Response: A Conversation with Anpao Duta Flying Earth
Forward Promise Co-Director, Dr. Howard Stevenson talks to Anpao Duta Flying Earth, Head of School at Native American Community Academy (NACA) in Albuquerque, NM, about the issues faced by the Native American community during the COVID-19 crisis.
Anpao Duta Flying Earth grew up on the Standing Rock Reservation in rural South Dakota and North Dakota. He is of the Lakota, Dakota, Ojibwe, and Akimel O’odham tribes. Duta joined NACA to assist in founding the charter school in 2006. In his capacity as co-founder and Head of School at NACA, Duta has been instrumental in representing NACA as a premiere example of Indigenous education nationwide.
COVID-19 Community Impact & Response
Native American Community Academy
Forward Promise