PodChat for FutureCFO: Finance as strategic enabler through analytics

CXOCIETY | FutureCIO FutureCFO FutureIoT Season 3

Hiring and retaining staff is the most difficult task facing CFOs over the next 12 months, according to a survey from Gartner. This is also reflected in CXOCIETY’s FutureCFO summits held in five key markets in Asia including Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore.

Gartner posits that the tight labour market is part of a trifecta of factors including persistent inflation and supply chain disruptions that are set to continue challenging corporate profitability through 2023.

Beyond talent, two other issues among CFOs participating in the Gartner survey forecasting at 36% and cutting the right costs at 35% made up the top three challenges facing CFOs. 

In this PodChats for FutureCFO, we are joined by Philip Madgwick, Senior Director, Alteryx, Asia, to share with us his perspective on how Asia’s finance leaders can use data analytics to be strategic enablers of digital transformation to drive business outcomes amid continuing uncertainties.

Data-driven has been a term we’ve come to associate with organisations undertaking digital or business transformation. 

1.       How does fostering a data-driven culture empower the finance team to deliver insights-driven decision-making in an agile and scalable manner, and drive business outcomes?

2.       Can you describe the challenges and pitfalls impeding the Office of Finance in its data-driven journey?

3.       How can enterprises better equip CFOs and their finance teams to step up as a strategic business partners and navigate the upheavals in the economic market?

4.       Can you share three best practices to help guide finance teams as they undertake finance modernisation?

5.       Given all the emerging technologies that continue to evolve, what is your prediction and guidance for finance in 2023?