PodChats for FutureCISO: State of mobile security in Asia

December 10, 2022 CXOCIETY | FutureCIO FutureCFO FutureIoT

The prevalence and severity of mobile-related compromises continues to escalate in 2022. Perhaps even more interesting is that small and medium-sized businesses perceived the risk to be more significant compared to those from larger organisations (73% vs 60% respectively).

On a more positive note, the rise in cyber threat awareness has also seen a rise in cybersecurity budgets among 77% of respondents to the Verizon 2022 Mobile Security Index report. 

The research found that companies are now spending more evenly across the give National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIS) Cybersecurity Framework.

With 2023 just around the corner, 77% of respondents expect the budgets to increase in the coming 12 months.

FutureCISO spoke to Don Tan, senior director for APAC at Lookout for his take on evolving mobile security landscape in Singapore and other ASEAN markets.

Click on the PodChat player for more details about the above responses by Tan.

1.       What is the state of mobile security awareness in Singapore and ASEAN?

2.       What are the most common security threats to mobile devices in 2022?

3.       Why is it important to secure mobile endpoints and what does it do beyond perimeter security to help employees to be productive yet safe?

4.       What is a Security Service Edge (SSE) platform and its benefits for organisations?

5.       What is your advice for organisations considering adopting SSE solutions?

6.       When it comes to SSE, is a single source better than best of breed?

7.       In all our discussions on SSE, what does Lookout bring to the table?