PodChats for FutureIoT: IoT in Asia in 2023 and beyond

December 18, 2022 CXOCIETY | FutureCIO FutureCFO FutureIoT Season 3

Access to low-cost, low-power sensor technology, the availability of high-speed connectivity, the increase in cloud adoption, and the growing use of data processing and analytics are among the key drivers boosting for the deployment of IoT technologies. It also helps that smart city efforts continue to progress.

As Asia comes out of the three-year economic slump because of the pandemic, what lies ahead for businesses? What is the role of IoT in the return to some form of normalcy?

Earlier FutureIoT spoke to Danny Mu, principal analyst at Forrester Research, on recent trends around IoT adoption in Asia and where it will lead us in 2023 and beyond. What follows is an excerpt of that dialogue.

1.       Drawing from the Forrester report, State of IoT in Asia Pacific in 2022, where is the concentration of IoT deployment? 

a.       Why is that?

b.       What is driving this deployment of IoT?

2.       Which industries are leading the deployment?

a.       Compared to other regions outside Asia, how sophisticated (mature) is the level of use of IoT?

3.       Within the leadership at organisations deploying IoT, what do you see are the primary motivations?

4.       How do you see these IoT deployments impacting other initiatives like transformation, modernisation, etc.?

5.       Given that security is a rising concern for businesses, how should enterprises deploying IoT manage the security strategy of the company?

6.       As we step into 2023, how should enterprises review IoT deployment strategies to ensure that these initiatives meet expectations?