PodChats for FutureCIO: The makings of a great CTO

CXOCIETY | FutureCIO FutureCFO FutureIoT Season 4

The chief technology officer, also known as a chief technical officer or chief technologist, is an executive-level position focused on the scientific and technological issues within an organisation. A CTO is very similar to a chief information officer.

It can be argued that the shortening cycle of technology advances coupled with the near-constant uncertainty that is the hallmark of 2022 will continue to be the norm in 2023. And as businesses continue to depend on technology to innovate both externally and internally, what must the chief technology officer do to be effective at his or her role?

With us today on PodChats for FutureCIO is Vishal Ghariwala, CTO for APJ and GC at SUSE (SUSA) to share with us his perspective on the makings of a great CTO. SUSE is a provider of enterprise-grade open source solutions, specializing in Business-critical Linux, Enterprise Container Management and Edge solutions. 

1.                   What makes for a great CTO? (experience, qualifications, expertise)

2.                   Describe the role of the CTO in Asia Pacific in 2023? What is the most significant (if any) change in the role since the pandemic?

3.                   Given the many business goals, how does the CTO juggle between wish lists, priorities, and the reality of constrained budgets?

4.                   To be effective at his/her role, how should the CTO work alongside other members of the C-suite?

5.                   What remains the top challenges of the CTO in 2023?

6.                   What is your advice for those wishing to pursue a CTO career?