PodChats for FutureCIO: How Agile 2 re-aligns Agile for the New Normal

CXOCIETY | FutureCIO FutureCFO FutureIoT Season 2

Agile started off as a discussion on how to improve product development. That was in 2000. 20 years on, is the context in which it was conceived still relevant?

In this episode of PodChats for FutureCIO, Cliff Berg, founder of Agile 2 and consultant and founder of Agile Griffin, and Lisa Cooney, principal agile coach at Axios. They share their views on how Agile 2 addresses the limitations of the original Agile manifesto.

They are two of the seven co-authors of Agile 2: The Next Iteration of Agile, available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle format. 

  1. What do you mean by Agile?
  2. In the context of present-day business operations, including the disruption caused by COVID-19, is Agile still relevant?
  3. What is Agile 2 and how is it different from the first iteration? [Cliff + Lisa]
  4. Was there any specific group that was left out in developing Agile?
  5.  For Agile 2 to work in Asia, what needs to happen from the perspective of leadership, culture, approach to technology, approach to business?
  6. What must Agile practitioners leave behind to shift to Agile 2?
  7. Is there a place for low code, no code, iPaaS in Agile 2?
  8. What is your advice to CIOs to make Agile 2 relevant to the organisations they support today?