PodChats for FutureCISO: Counter-tactics against artificially intelligent ransomware
A 2023 Beyond Identity survey of 1,010 cybersecurity specialists one in six had worked for companies that experienced an AI-fuelled cyberattack, with 59% seeing this in phishing attacks and 39% in malware. The good news (maybe) is that 40% said it took less than 24 hours to detect the attack and respond accordingly.
Arguably, the more concerning of the trends highlighted in the report is that 75% of those surveyed believe AI will continue to be used in these cyberattacks and that the vulnerabilities will persist because of a lack of human oversight (57%).
Jeffrey Kok, vice president of solution engineers for Asia Pacific and Japan at CyberArk, joins us on this PodChats for FutureCISO to offer, we hope, counter-tactics against artificially intelligent ransomware.
1. Is AI being used as an accelerant for ransomware attacks?
2. Given that threat actors can recognise data encryption and exfiltration, what should CISOs and security teams update their approach to make strategies and policies more effective against AI-powered ransomware?
3. Would AI make for an effective ransomware negotiator? How to make this happen?
4. What is the future of ransomware?
5. Our topic is counter-tactics against artificially intelligent ransomware, so how do you stay ahead of ransomware (extortion) irrespective of the technologies?