Trusting the Universe & Sh*t

Use these tools to live your best life

December 18, 2023 Stacey Jessop Season 1 Episode 23
Use these tools to live your best life
Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
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Trusting the Universe & Sh*t
Use these tools to live your best life
Dec 18, 2023 Season 1 Episode 23
Stacey Jessop

In this ep we talk about different tools you can use to create your best life like and what can you do in preparation for the new year including some modalities like:

  • Visualization 
  • Decluttering 
  • Scripting 
  • Vision boards 
  • Shadow work

* The study of muscles being built while visualizing:

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
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Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -

Show Notes Transcript

In this ep we talk about different tools you can use to create your best life like and what can you do in preparation for the new year including some modalities like:

  • Visualization 
  • Decluttering 
  • Scripting 
  • Vision boards 
  • Shadow work

* The study of muscles being built while visualizing:

You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at:
Ané - @ane.mgmnt

Stacey - @barefootbranding

Visit us here: 🌐
Email us: 📩

Intro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -


All it is, is you're embodying the gratitude. Before looking at your phone before, you know, getting up, whatever, like just for like five, 10 minutes, visualize your business and how it's like amplifying your life


there was a study done, they found that people that were visualizing exercising. Compared to the people who are actually exercising found that the people that were just envisioning it in their minds, was still building muscle


hello everyone and welcome to episode 23. We're so excited about today's episode. As per usual, we wanted to talk about how to live your best. Version of yourself right now, not worrying about the new year's new year's resolution, all of that stuff, but how, what modalities we can use and practices we can embody every day to live our best, like the best version of ourselves.


Beautifully succinct. And yeah, I think that sometimes we wait a little bit Domi until we get to the new year to start our new year's resolutions and to start making those lists of things that we want to change. But. We're talking about why can't we do it now? Why can't we do it now in preparation? For the new year and the things to come. So we're going to be talking today about some of those modalities that you may be able to tap into. And see how those modalities can help you live your best life. And what is your best life? Maybe we should start there. Maybe we should start with what are. The things that you really want for yourself.


Yeah, I, yeah, that's a good way of starting off how we want to live our best life, right? Because if we don't really know what that is or how that feels like or how that looks like, then it's a bit hard to tap into that. And I think we've spoken about this on, on an episode before, but it all, all it comes down to for me personally is feelings. Like how do I want to feel every day and, and who do I want to around me? Am I living by The values that I have set? And I think once we break it down like that it's easier for me to know like, okay, what is my best life? And so, you know, as I have fallen into the trap of it looking a certain way and then being completely burnt out or completely like just exhausted about that version, I now can always come back and be integral of the intentionality of. That best life. So I guess for me, it is a sense of fulfillment that I want to feel every single day, whether that be business, relationships environment, like just feeling content and feeling like I'm being of service to the world. I mean, I am a Virgo after all, and we love to be your service. So. I think that is where I will start, start with living my best life. What about you, Stace? Yeah.


this first from once from Danielle LaPorte. About how we should often look to how we want to feel rather than how we want to all the things that we want to have. But I also think that it's important to. If you're just beginning on this journey of maybe you want to reshape your life, the easiest accessible thing to you is probably going to be the physical stuff. So. For anyone listening. And you're thinking why I don't even know what I want. Start thinking about those physical things. Like, do you want. A better body. Do you want more energy? Do you want a bigger house? Do you want a better car? And so those things can be quickly accessed to us generally, because I think it's just because society teaches us to want mostly. But then. As we go deeper into it, then we go, okay, well, what will having that? Body or that car, how will that make me feel? Because ultimately we are looking for those feelings. Aren't we? So. If you are sort of thinking, well, I don't really know. Just start there. So thinking about, okay, I really would love a new car and start thinking. Specifically, how is that seek and to feel how's the air conditioner going to feel? What's it going to look like? How are you going to feel driving out of your driveway with that car? How are you going to feel driving down the road with your windows down? So it gets specific in your visualization. So, sit down with yourself and close your eyes and visualize what is that going to feel like when you're driving that car and. Really embody those emotions as you're trying to think. Through why you want this


Mm. I love that and it's actually a really perfect segue actually of one of the modalities which is visualization. Right? Like that is one of the best ones, especially for women. Like I think we do fall into that fantasy trap sometimes and it's like, well, why can't, why not fantasize the best life that you want to live? Right? And that's such a good way of like exactly what you said. If you do have that dream car or just a new car. Yeah. Yeah. Feel and feel. think. and visualize and those new car energy or whatever you want Yeah,




When I was really struggling in business and I, and I had a, like a mentor to support me through that. She actually said to me, I don't want you to do more strategy or the logistics things. I actually want you to be more. And if the visualization of things like be in the energetics of your business and every morning, she's like before looking at your phone before, you know, getting up, whatever, like just for like five, 10 minutes, it really doesn't have to be much visualize your business and how it's like amplifying your life and how it's like the clients that are coming through the, and just make these little scenarios and stories up in your head. I don't know, fall into a trap of like this egoic business owner, but just so I can constantly remind myself of the faith of having a business and having it actually succeed. And so, Yeah. visualization is such a key one, especially, like in meditation, doing it early in the morning or late at night, just when you're about to go into that theta or out of that theta, beta, theta, I think it is brainwaves.


Yeah, I think that's


Yeah, so I love, I love visualisation, it's, it's such a, such a key one, and one that we tend to forget about, I think.


Yes. And I think it's more powerful than we even realize because there was a study done. I'll find it and I'll send it on. I'll put it in the show notes, but they found that people that were visualizing exercising. Compared to the people who are actually found that the people that were just envisioning it in their minds, I was still building some muscle. Even though they weren't actually doing the exercise. So visualization can actually build for us probably more than we even realize. And I know there's lots of very, very top successful people in the world that use visualization, like athletes. Public speakers. They will visualize themselves standing on that stage, hearing the cheering or whatever it is that they are trying to. Whatever their goal is, they can visualize that really clearly down to the sound. So what can you hear? can you see? What colors can you see? Where are So visualizing all those little things, and I love that your business mentor said. you can do this inside your business. On an energetic Because you're right. It's not always about just doing the blueprint now. The. The list of things that somebody has told us to do. It is the energetics of allowing the frequencies to match with the person that's coming into your space and not just. Okay. But I did everything that they told me to do in my business, but it's not working. So generally energetically something is, is blocking there.


yeah, fully. And again, it's exactly that, it's especially if you're trying to attract new engagement or clients or whatever, like the amount, it's all just energy. And so if you're not believing or holding onto that faith of you can support people on their journeys or you support, your services and stuff to people, they can feel that. And that's why they're not coming through. Right. And so it's like just reminding yourself to. And it's one that I constantly have to remind myself to get back into because, like me and you were quite logical. We know the logistics, we know the strategy, all the things, but we also know the beauty and the power of the spirituality as well. So it's just trying to always constantly combine one. And one modality that I've been working. with which is similar to visualization, but a little bit different as well is And our beautiful friend G spoke about this and reminded me of this modality. And, November was a bit of a, I would say a bit of a. Shadowy month for collectively and individually as well. And So now that it, it's December, literally first of December I was like, okay, how am I going to get out of this energy? Like we know shadow work, I'm besties with them. It's all good. Like, we, we get it, but I'm ready. I'm ready for the optimism to come back. I'm ready for like the. The playful fun and need to come back. Right. And so I started to do scripting and essentially what it is, is if there's an area in your life that feels really sticky, feels really heavy, it may be money, it may be relationships, it may be your environment, like trying to move somewhere. Whatever it is, but like visualization, try to keep it specific. You then write every morning, first thing, a page or two, whatever feels better like you already have that thing or you're embodied in that thing. So you use things like I am, I have, I'm grateful for, I have X, Y, and Z and you just, you just constantly write on this. It's just, it's just a way of reprogramming the belief that you want to embody and, and kind of like, as we know, Joe Dispenza, whatever, fires and wires stays together. And so if you're trying to find why new beliefs, you got to do scripting, you got to do visualizations to get into that energy. I've only been doing it for a week, but the shift I've noticed is just so, so beautiful. And let's say it's about a home or whatever. And I kind of write, I love living in this. beautiful, bright space. I love, that I get to see the sunlight from, from my window bedroom or just like really just write a little story about what, what it is that you're in. It's just interesting to see how the universe kind of works in your favor. things pop up, inspections pop up. If friend tells you about someone that's moving out and need someone to fill in this room, like things will actually start to happen without you really having to constantly be in that masculine energy of like, got to, got to be, on the websites the whole time and stuff like things just start to kind of happen for you. And yeah, it's just been really interesting and I think I'm going to keep at it. Until whatever I really want to manifest and embody really, I feel like is my truth now. So that might be another week. It might be six months, who knows, but the, the reason I want to bring this up is because it is really beautiful to have. It's like, enjoying the journey rather than the destination. It's like, Oh, I'm actually seeing this week, all of the beautiful things that are coming into alignment, regardless if I'm there. yet or not. So. That's scripting and if, if sometimes visualizations feel a little bit like you get in your head, like, whatever, try scripting and then you'll see if you, if you like to write and you like to script, you're kind of visualization, visualizing anyways. So it's a, it's a beautiful way to, yeah, get into that energy,


That's true. You are sort of visualizing anyway, because as you write, it's probably going to appear to you. And this is something that I need to. This is something that I need to try because I haven't done scripting before. But you explained it perfectly. So I am going to try to do that for a week of starting to see how I go. Because every time I have picked up a new modality or something, I have noticed certain things like. I remember once I was, I was doing something similar. It wasn't scripting, but I was doing some like money manifestation things. And I started noticing. I'd get a random pay rise for a certain thing, or I would. Get a letter in the mail, canceling all my parking tickets, or I would get these little things and in even doing it, I would say this, no, this isn't going to work. Like why, why am I just going to get a random check in the mail? But it really started working and then it starts getting freaky. Even if you're thinking to yourself this doesn't work. Just keep doing it anyway. Even if you have the doubt, because eventually the doubts will be overtaken by the things will into your life. And then you so think. Wait a second. This is actually working. What


Yeah. Yeah. Try it. Try it. Yeah. Oh my God. I, I,


So, yeah.


I would love for you to, to see what comes up for you as well. And on that note, like I said, yeah, like same thing. Like even if I'm writing, I'm like, this is so stupid, whatever. But now it's like, No, there's even in, in one of now, cause your script is going to change. You don't usually always have to write exactly the same thing. You can shift it and change it. Like keep the specific topic. Sorry. I need to be certain on that, but it doesn't have to be word for word, the same sentences. It can always change. And now by the end of this week, I'm putting in things like I love seeing. The evidence come to life even more and more, even when I'm in this energy. Like, because I wanna keep that, I wanna keep that momentum going energetically. So yeah. I'm, I'm really excited to see what comes up and how things shift for you. It's been really beautiful. And on that note, I think, we get a bit complacent with our, like, spiritual practices because we do them and then it's working and you're like, cool, whatever. Like, move on. And then we go back into our human.

Scarlett 2i4 USB:



And then it's like, we're like, Oh shit. I, I feel like I'm going back into square one. And then it's like, the practice is always going to evolve, but then things that we used to do five years ago, maybe again, applicable to do again. So it's just interesting.


No. Exactly what I was just thinking about when I was doing the money manifesting. Techniques. I had, yeah, I'd totally forgotten about it, but yeah, you get to a point where you go, hang on a minute, becomes a problem and then you have to go back. Around to start again, which is fine. But yeah, I think you're right. We do sometimes need this reminder. To go. Okay. Come back again. And let's start in on these practices and we're giving you a few modalities so that you can choose, pick and choose which one feels right for you. Whichever one you want to do. Because for me, I've never really been a journal writer person. But. I do like this idea of just spending, just doing a page or two, and then writing in the present. Because sometimes maybe it's just, it's these little shifts that we need. Like maybe I need to shift into, into writing. If that's not something that I've been comfortable with before. Maybe there's a block there that I need to shift through. And just see maybe, maybe it's not for you. That's also fine. But. Just try it out to see how you


Yeah. At least he gave it a good hot crack. If you try it for a week or two and. What I loved about the scripting too, just on that note, is like, there's people that write like a whole vision story. I don't know what it's called exactly, maybe. You may know but like they write the whole year like how it is and that to me is like Overwhelming like love visual vision boards and stuff, but like writing a whole story of how your year went I don't know this or how it is. I don't know I just that can take forever that could be take an hour or whatever I don't have that like I don't want to do that right now So having 10 minutes or 5 minutes on a page and just like write it It's just it it's just a quickfire way of like yeah, not getting into those old loops Thinking and patterns. So, yeah. Mm, mm,


a way of zooming out, isn't it? Because we need to reconnect with our goals on a daily basis or our visions. On a daily basis because you're right. We just get back into our human lives day to day, and we're just checking things off the task list. And then sometimes we get this feeling of being really down on ourselves or feeling really disconnected. And I think sometimes that does come from. Being disconnected from our vision our goals. Because ultimately we need to know why we, where we are in the ring, like the metaphorical ring, why we are throwing punches. Because those things hurt and we need to know why, where, where there in order to get where we're going. Because if we forget. It can be very difficult to get through the hard times, because especially if you're in business for yourself. There is going to be some hard times. It's not all smooth sailing. So. Yeah. Like every single client I have, we start with these. Big Y big vision questions because. We always need to start there. And a lot of clients will say to me too, like I had no idea we were even going to do that work because I don't tell them it's going to happen. It just, I just facilitated. And then they go through the process and then they come out the other end, like. Oh, I didn't even realize I was going to learn that about But you can do this and facilitated with yourself just by listening to this episode. You can take yourself through this process and we'll talk a little bit more about some other modalities that you can try And Pick and choose what you want to do. And just guide yourself through that process.


And obviously our DMs are always, always open to have, some more support on this. Like, we're always We're not going to be like, nah, this is the only way like our doors always open to have these chats, but that's a really good point. Like, this is also one of the reasons we started this podcast, right? Is like free resources, free way of just like understanding the energetics of business, understanding the spirituality of life and, and living in that faith in, in whatever aspect in life that you want to pursue. So yeah, beautifully said. So what other modalities or modality can you give us that you like? 2000s,


now I think as this episode's going to be published, I think it's a perfect time to work on your vision boards. So vision boards can be. Digital or physical? I like the physical ones because I feel like I'm back in. when I was watching play school and they their diseases and cut the. Yeah. And they like cut the things out. So what we can do is we can. You can do this by yourself. We'll get a group of friends together. But print out all of the little. Pictures from the internet, print them all out. Cut them out. And sit there and have your categories as well. So you can have up to six categories. So for example, you can have your relationship category, Korea. Abundance. What else have we Let me just grab my. Where you just grabbed my vision board.


yeah, relationship abundance or career. Maybe like travel if that's, yeah, Health.


Travel. Yes.




Love you can have love or relationships. Your house. So your


Environment, yeah.


spirituality. And skills. And then you can put all of these different sections on a part of the board. There's actually also like a Feng Shui way. Sections that you can put. So I'll put a link to a picture of that, that you can follow. But yeah, you can just cut out all of those little pictures. So on mine, I've got Japan. Actually, we did this last November. Is this the one from last


Yeah, well, yeah, it'll have to, yeah, I think so for this, yeah. Yeah,


Yeah. So I have Japan on here and I'm actually going to Japan in may. So that parts true It's actually funny. I don't know if you can see this, but see. My home thing. There's like shelf. I actually have one of those now that exact kill. And there's like different. Portions of health. So my healthy food or lifting weights. My business. The skills that I


This podcast.


things. Yes. This podcast is


Yeah, we did it.


it's like a little, we did a new, we did, so. That it can be really fun to, to print those out and sit there. And as you're, as you're gluing it all down, You're visualizing again, you're sort of spending time in that energy of thinking about, okay, these are the things that I want to bring into my life. And that's very, very beautiful energy to be sitting in.




So. Yeah, again, it's sort of another way that you can visualize. What's going to be coming into your life and the things that you want to


Yeah. And on that note, before I forget, as you were going through it, which is actually really fun. That should be something that like, maybe once you do your vision board, vision board, like from a year before it like ends that year. Oh, sorry, not the year, but like as the new year begins. to kind of like have your ghillies again, like a group of friends or whatever together and be like, Hey, what came through? What didn't? And even on that note though, like even with you in Japan, that's happening May. It's like, just because it's on your vision board to try and get to that year. Yeah. It might be the year later or five years later. It doesn't matter. Like time's an illusion anyway. So like, at least it's there. You're in the energy. Like, it's just, it's the best thing. So yeah, we just want to preface like, even if you didn't make all of this that year, it's really not the point. Like, yes, we call it a vision board and try to do it for the year, but it's, it's the vision, overall vision, period dot, you know? So don't feel like a failure or don't criticize, because I just know as we all can be, we can be a bit like. A bit in our heads and critical don't, Yeah. it's all okay. Even if you got nothing on that board, how awesome is next year going to be for you? if you are being in that frequency as well. So just wanted to preface that.


Yes. You know what it made me think of? When we starting a diet. And we quit because we're not seeing immediately the results that we want to get, but we all fundamentally sorta know that if we stick with it, eventually we'll start to see results. But we don't see them quick enough. So we give up. And so this is very similar. I feel like we can just be so down on ourselves and be like, oh, it's not working. It didn't happen. It didn't happen this year, but we're not really holding the faith there. Are we in. Holding it and saying, okay. It may not be right now, but like you said, time is an illusion. So we need to just continue holding the faith in that it's going to happen as it should. And it's going to unfold for us. And also. It may unfold in a way that we're not quite. We knock. We, we didn't quite foresee.


Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm,


maybe it's going to happen in a different way. Than we thought it


Absolutely. I love that you put that in there because exactly we. We have this vision and we're like, it's going to go X, Y, and Z, but actually ends up being like A, B, and C. And it's just like, it's the same sort of manifestation, but just looks maybe different or feels different or whatever, but it's still kind of there. So yeah, for sure. That is another beautiful way. of putting it. And on that note as well, like I think. Cause a lot of what we're talking about is a lot of like the light work, right? Like all of the light, beautiful practices and modalities. But to combine that with shadow work, when things are like, your shadows are coming out, you're sabotaging, you're like, Oh, what's the point? Nothing's happening. That's just a bit of a shadow talking and to put a bit of like practices and be kind to that side of your life too. Is like beautiful and it, it, it amplifies the manifestation even more, I think, because sometimes we lean too much in shadow work and sometimes we lean too much in the light work and it's like, where can we find this equilibrium? Yes, we're not always going to be in balance. Like, I totally. But can we find a nice dance between the two practices? Because with November, like I mentioned, the energy was really heavy for me. I did a lot of the shadow work and I was really in that depth and it was great, but I was like, okay, I've made peace with that. Let's move on to the light work and just doing it this week has really amplified my energy and. And it does support your manifestation even more when you can have that beautiful dance.


Yeah. And I was thinking about, the Yin and yang. Graphic. So as we start to chase away the shadows, what happens? The black portion, it just moves to the other side. It's not going to disappear because. We are both shadow and light. Because as soon as the sun beams down on us, It will cast a shadow. So the more late. The more shadow. So as we start to chase away the shadows, we start ignoring it. We start pushing out feelings down. We start. Deny and lots of parts of ourselves not to come up because we deemed them not appropriate. Or we decide that I don't know, we decide. No, no, that like, I'm not, that's not me. That's not me or whatever it is that you're telling yourself. Those are parts of you too, that we need to accept.


I love that you mentioned acceptance, like acceptance is the key part here on both ends. What I love is the importance of acceptance. And on that note, I wanted to give a little bit of a story that the other week I was definitely in a bit of like scarcity mindset. I was just, again, the shadows were loud and I was like thinking I'm an odd X, Y, and Z and all the things. And I remembered one of our beautiful friends mentioning of how. When you're in the scarcity mindset, the best thing to do is give, give away, give things, and it just shifts the energy and I try to during this season give like donate or help like the homeless, like, that have those, like you. Make food and stuff and just, just be in that energy just to give, give back. And I didn't know how I was going to do this because I knew that I was going away a couple of weekends and, moving house. It's a lot of things. There's a lot of things happening, but divine timing. And I saw this donation charity happening for a brand that you choose a department. So whether it's like. Mom. Mom and babies, teenage teenagers or like, not elderly, but like more like adults, like, men and women who are homeless. So there's like these three categories and you grab one of the brands, like accessories, like handbags that they make and you fill it up with goodies. As much goodies as you want, as much or as little doesn't matter. And because I became a niece this year, I decided to support the mom and babies charity because. Seeing how much babies need and even for mums, I was like, kind of shocked because it's a lot of things, like just to keep them healthy, just to keep them warm and safe. And then for the mums, like, I couldn't even imagine like being homeless or not having the resources or the things. And you're now a mom and you're trying to support your baby, and so I chose that one. And I just grabbed one of the bags, went to our nearest supermarket and just fill it up with heaps of things like diapers and like, what else? Like soap and lotion and socks, things like that. I don't know if you're in Melbourne, that it's not always warm, even though we're going into summer, but just things that to support the baby. And then also some things for the mom. So like nipple cream and stuff like that, just to, like things that are like luxury, like probably a luxury for them, and I, I really wanted to hopefully. Some new moms can share that bit of tub of cream for, for, things that they giving for their baby. So, yeah, so I fill it up and I donated it and just doing that, just, Oh, it just put me back into gratitude, gratitude for what I have, the people in my life, the resources, it's actually got nothing to do with money anymore. And the scarcity mindset just sort of like. Disappointed, not to say that it may come up again, but in that moment and in that week, I just felt so, so good. And I wasn't doing it to glow to, to get anything back. It was just. So, yeah, so because it's a silly season, if you can try and give back, it doesn't even have to be that extreme. It can be literally buying a coffee or bottle of water for someone. It could be, I, and yeah, anything, anything, but it definitely was supporting me on like where I was falling into an old habit and it was, I hope it helps the collective as well at the same time. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah. It's such a beautiful thing you did. And when you want to shift your energy, Out of a state of lack and you're feeling sticky or you're feeling kind of depressed. It is such a good thing to do to switch into how can I give to something. And so even if you don't have any money, This might be some of your time you might volunteer somewhere or you might be able to. So what I did one year was I didn't really have all these excess funds. So I. Ask the community. Does anyone want to donate? And then I went out and did all the shopping and put them in all the stuff in the boxes. So even though I did donate. I dunno, maybe a hundred dollars of my own money, but. Mostly it was money from the community. So you can T you can do it in a way where you're like, okay, well, I didn't really have any money, but do you have time? Is this something that you could give in that way? And it does. It gives you just such a good perspective on thinking about how, I don't know if people would, maybe people don't have as much as you have right now and you've forgotten. You've forgotten the abundance that already exists in your life. And it will just bring you back in a really practical way, because we can sit here and we can say to ourselves, I'm grateful for the roof over my head. I'm grateful that I have food to eat. But sometimes. We don't see it it's just become invisible to because it's just there every day. We're just used to it. And it's like when all the lockdowns happened, the gratitude that we had for going to the gym. Skyrocketed because we were like, yes, I can go to the gym. And now I'm like, eh,




It's open.


fully, fully,


I'm like lost. Gratitude for having, having that open that I have to keep reminding myself. I remember when this wasn't the case. So yeah, this can be a really good way to remind ourselves in a really strong way.


completely and you, you meant yeah, you said it so beautifully because it's really All it is, is you're embodying the gratitude. That's all it is, when you're doing those activities. Like, for you, going out, spending that time and energy into curating all of this and posting it or giving it away. Like, that's you just embodying, embodying the gratitude of what you have already. And what you can still, what you want to manifest later. Like, it's just, that's the thing. Where if we constantly just say it, like you said, we become We don't see it, we're not embodying that. So I think that's the key element of, of feeling the gratitude rather than just saying it for the manifestation, or the, the mantra of it


yeah. Beautiful. Are there any other modalities that we have missed? I think we'll probably do another episode. And. Yeah. At a couple, but just to recap, we had. Vision boards. We had scripting. We had. What was the third Visualization. And then yeah, just shifting your energy by giving as a, not a, not necessarily that being a. Manifesting tool or visualization tool, but it can help you shift your energy if that's where you you'll beginning, start there and then go into the


Yeah, yeah, well, actually, there is one that you can combine with because I'm again, this is coming through like embodiment embodiment. It's like, there are ways where if you've done like embodiment practice, how would you feel if you had X, Y and Z? And that kind of ties in with the visualization again. but if you, you know, some people like, Okay. Especially as women, I think we love music and we love to like drive in a car without iced coffee in a hand. And it's like just living again, living in that future version of ourselves that feels abundant. It feels connected. It feels fulfillment. And that's another way of doing it. Like, it doesn't have to be so, like, rigid. it can literally be you and your morning, on a Saturday morning cooking, you know, yourself some breakfast, putting some music on, and just like embodying how you would if you felt, if you had X, Y, and Z. And I think that's another way of doing it if it doesn't, you know, and so yeah, again, our bodies are so intelligent, especially as women. Our intuition is so strong, and it's like, if you can have that beautiful relationship with it. Gosh, we are the creators of life. We can create the best life for ourselves. So that's another practice.


We are out. We, we, we are the creators of life. That's a really good mantra to have, but us to embody, like we are like, I am the creator of my


Yeah. because we create life, like, period.


Yeah, exactly.


Yeah, amazing.


Okay, well, let's wrap the episode up there. If you want to text us some of your scripting. Ideas or some things that you've been wanting. Send it to us so that we can proclaim it to the universe. That those are the things that you want. Our. Our links are in the show




So yeah, send it to us. And I would love to hear if you have any specific things that you're trying to


Yeah, absolutely. We're there to amplify with you. And even if you want to get a group together to do a vision board party on digitally, we will have friends that would love to be a part. So, you know, we love community, so send it through message us and thank you again for listening to another episode.