Bernard Marr's Future of Business & Technology Podcast

The Manufacturing Digital Revolution: Insights from the Automotive Industry

Bernard Marr

In this session we look at the Digital Revolution in Manufacturing through the lens of the Automotive Industry. For more information, also check out Oracle's webpage: 

To help me explore the topic, I am joined by Aniello Pepe, who is Global Director, Automotive in the Oracle Industry Strategy Group. Automotive is today an exciting paradigm of a broader transformation, or rather, revolution, of the entire manufacturing industry. In fact, the automotive industry is changing everything: the product is changing (e.g., electrification) and becoming more digital (e.g., connected cars, autonomous vehicles, the supplier network is changing (e.g., batteries, electronics), the production environment is changing (e.g. Industry 4.0 is key in the industry), and customers themselves are changing (e.g. propensity to own a vehicle vs. buying subscriptions for using it).