Centrally Speaking

Making Sense of the War in Ukraine: An Interview with a Missionary to Zaporizhzhia

Ministerial Staff at Central Schwenkfelder Church Season 3

How did the current conflict between Ukraine and Russia come about? In this interview, we speak with Ken Sears, an American who has lived io the Eastern Ukraine city of Zaporozhye for 27 years. Ken provides an overview regarding the origin of the war and reasons for the resolve of the Ukrainian people. This interview was taped on Friday March 4, 2022. Ken is part of European Christian Mission NA, Inc. Website: https://www.ecmna.org/ 

#zaporozhyeukraine  #zaporizhzhiaukraine  #ukrainewar  #ukraineconflict  #originUkrainewar  #originUkraineconflict

Centrally Speaking is a ministry of Central Schwenkfelder Church in Lansdale, PA USA. Website: www.cscfamily.org