Centrally Speaking

What is the Day of Remembrance for the Schwenkfelders?

Ministerial Staff at Central Schwenkfelder Church Season 4 Episode 1

The Schwenkfelders have the longest standing continuous thanksgiving service in the United States. It started first in September of 1734 and still continues to this day. How did this come about? Why is it special? What happens at this service? We asked two Schwenkfelder pastors Rev. Leslie Mamas from Olivet Schwenkfelder United Church of Christ and Rev. Nick Pence from Palm Schwenkfelder Church to answer this question and give their impressions about thanksgiving, remembrance, and this important service.

#Thanksgivingservices #DayofRemembrance #Schwenkfelderservices

Centrally Speaking is a ministry of Central Schwenkfelder Church in Lansdale, PA USA. Website: www.cscfamily.org