Centrally Speaking

Discussing the Decline of Biblical Literacy in the West with Scott Hafemann

Ministerial Staff at Central Schwenkfelder Church Season 4 Episode 2

Why do people not understand the Bible as well anymore? Recent surveys show a decline of biblical literacy in the west. How can this happen when there are so many copies of the Bible available in English? Also, how can the trend be reversed? In this podcast, we ask Dr. Scott Hafemann about these trends and the ramifications for church and society. Dr. Hafemann is Honorary Reader in New Testament at St. Andrews University (Scotland) and former professor at Wheaton College and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. 

#biblicalliteracy  #decreasingbiblicalliteracy  #increasingunderstandingbible  #bibleandsociety  #bibleandchurch

Centrally Speaking is a ministry of Central Schwenkfelder Church in Lansdale, PA USA. Website: www.cscfamily.org