Centrally Speaking

How can a Christian Perspective Help Me Enjoy Thanksgiving?

Ministerial Staff at Central Schwenkfelder Church

Thanksgiving is a yearly feast in the USA. Americans take off several days of vacation in November. We eat turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, and cranberries. Usually, they watch football games and other things on television. Does a Christian perspective add anything to this holiday? In this episode, Rev. Dr. Drake Williams, Minister of Mission and Theology at Central Schwenkfelder Church interviews Rev. Dr. David McKinley, Senior Minister of Central Schwenkfelder Church.  #centralschwenkfelder #schwenkfelder  #Thanksgiving  #Christianholiday   #centrallyspeaking

Centrally Speaking is a ministry of Central Schwenkfelder Church in Lansdale, PA USA. Website: www.cscfamily.org