Centrally Speaking

What happened to the disciples following Jesus' resurrection?

August 07, 2020 Ministerial Staff at Central Schwenkfelder Church
Centrally Speaking
What happened to the disciples following Jesus' resurrection?
Show Notes

How did the disciples change after the first Easter? What were they like before Jesus was crucified? How did they change afterwards? In this podcast, Rev. Dr. David McKinley, Senior Minister at Central Schwenkfelder Church asks Dr. Drake Williams, Associate Professor of New Testament at Evangelische Theologische Faculteit in Leuven, Belgium about the change in the disciples after this important event.  #schwenkfelder  #centralschwenkfelder  #Easter  #discipleslives  #disciplesaftertheBible  #resurrection  #martyrdom  #apostles

Centrally Speaking is a ministry of Central Schwenkfelder Church in Lansdale, PA USA. Website: www.cscfamily.org